On The Edge

She painted her tinted heart with glitter,
To aid it,preventing from being bitter.

She opened the windows of eyes to Galaxy,
To have a drive to light in her fantasy.

She stepped forward with hand  holding torch, 
In search of hope,preventing further scorch.

With Papule on feet she walked on crystal crumbs,
To make her psyche squeal which is pretty numb.

Catching the sight of bees,she danced under sky,
Cheering loud as if she found their way to hive.

Making a knot of her dry hair so that it may,
Tie her baked thoughts and bring her gay.

Getting down on knees that tired soul,
Poured herself out to fly like a fowl.

Caging her never caged her spur,
Restlessness is what that made her blur.
