Lethal Hope

You have come this far 
Patting the hope in heart
You intend to go further 
Engraving the hope in heart 
Just because 
After every night,
Sun rises?
Or sea is still full of water? 
Or Moon still shines,
On Heart of night? 
Or you listen to birds warble?
Or Forests are still green?
Or sky is still covering your head?
Or mountains are lessening,
Intensity of storms?
Or Roses still spread fragrance?
Or dew is there on the grass? 
Or rain is always washing away dirt?
Or because you are inhaling?
Leave the hopes!
Coz they are taking you away,
Somewhere unknown,
Disrupting the harmony,
between body and soul.
Coz it has got no definite path 
It moves with winds,
And winds belong to none! 
You said,
Your hopes are sustaining on above elements
But ever this thought 
Occurred to you?
That sun will come to your head 
To melt you like nothing,
And will evaporate drops of sea,
Making it a barren uterus,
That would yield nothing.
And will take its light from moon,
As if moon never existed before.
And autumn will prevail on trees,
So birds will fly too,
Leaving you alone.
And sky will lose its worth as roof,
As sun will become your sky.
And sun will be assisted by the storm, 
That will turn mountains into cotton
And roses will give up on life in such heat.
And dew drops won't be giving coolness to your feet,
And neither the rain would come to rescue you,
And when nature won't survive,
You silly girl is thinking to survive?
You too
Will wither away
Like you never lived 
Like it was never your world! 
So leave the hopes
That life would get better 
Even a better social life will melt down
You know what?
Death is hope 
But its a lethal one! 
